***note to all: please watch your language when leaving a message...i have young swimmers who may be looking at this! thanks!***

Thursday, March 31, 2005

a small update

i'm done with pictures. i finally finished! hope you enjoy them. i don't have a digital camera here (i like actual pictures...which is weird coming from me, the graphic artist) but one of my final presents from the Reinecke's was a CD with all the pictures that they took from my weekend there so i decided to share them all with you! I hope you enjoy them.

I am very behind on my journaling, thus makes me even more behind here. I plan on doing that tomorrow. Time here in Oxford is flying by. I think I'm the only one who hasn't been to London yet, which makes me wonder when I am going to get there. I'm far too busy here to get there and since everyone has seen all the stuff I want to see there, I have a hard time finding someone to go with. I'm slightly worried. I also can't go to London on the 8th, the day Prince Charles gets married...I have a class at 2:30. So unconvenient. I really wanted to go. I will, even though I said I didn't think I would get there, will be going to London on Sunday for a performance of STOMP! since Kent got us tickets for half price. Sound be fun.

I will update my journal and post it here for you soon. Just hand in there. I should just get it done and up...especially since I have a 6 hour head start ahead of most of you...well 7 until Saturday night...we sprung ahead last weekend. Something else I didn't know...I knew that only some places actually did the spring and ahead and fall back with the Time but I thought it was a universal day to do it...didn't know that Europe and the US did it on 2 separate weekends!

So that's all for know...not much new, but I will get you updated. And on a final note...


talk to you later...