***note to all: please watch your language when leaving a message...i have young swimmers who may be looking at this! thanks!***

Friday, March 25, 2005

20-3-05 Day 3

Hallo auf Berlin!

i´m sitting at susanna´s computer right now as they get good friday dessert ready. we just had the best potato salad (kartoffeln salat) ever. i think i need to get the recipe...my mom can even eat it.

so...here´s day 3...disreguard the mistakes please as this keyboard is all goofz...like the y and the z has done a switcheroo...

woke up early to enjoy a beartiful palm sunday. i curled mz hair even and wore a skirt and myself, jill and stephanie walked cross town to christ church for servicea dn to hear the men´s and boy´s choir.

upon arrival we found that we had somewhat missed the service and the guard at the door kept saying that we weren´t allowed to enter even though the sign next to him said differentlz. we gave up there and turned around when we heard singing and thus crossed the road to the church to inviestigate. i could immediatly tell that a contemporary worship was going on and we tried to find the front doors. at first getting across the street, i wans´t too happy to find myself standing on someone´s grave but found mzself more in awe of the contemporary music coming out of this old and weathered church. we crossed around front and finallz found a large glass structure that turned out to be the door. we were quickly welcomed and given programs and a part of a palm leaf folded into a cross. we were then ushered into a packed church. no knowing where to sit, some more ushers came and found us decent seats, all the while this band is jamming in the fron and the TV´s surrounding the popel everywhere showed children dancing away and the words to the current song scrolled across it. the tv´s, amayingly enough, were up high on the beautiful stone and marble pillars everywhere and were painted the same colors as the stone as if to match it. upon sitting, we found that the children were all up front dancing awaz. shortly after, the music was put on hold for what we think was their version of a baptism, but from what i could tell, the kid wasnät there - it was more the mom (mum!) telling us how and whz she named the kid and the family was also on stage. then we sang a whole lot more - none of the songs i recotgniyed except "here i am to worship," which was extremelz uplifting. i get reallz excited when a song i know is sung in church with the band - makes it 10 times more beautiful for some reason. maybe itäs all the voices or because it´s live with a band - i donät know. a speaker came on next and explained palm sundaz with help from the congregation. she would ask a qustion and thez would answer. she also threw in manz bible versus and the sort. then she said thez were going to bring in the donkez but thez were, as repeated from another girl, "in a donkey jam." here i was expecting some kids under a blaket when in walks a live donkey into the church for all to pet! it was amaying so jill and i ran to take pictures and kids were everzwhere. afterwards thez mentioned that thez had a live broadcast from jeresulam on what people were thinking of all this praising that was going on so we turned our attention to the tvs to see a guz all dressed up in the days of jesus attire getting a report from people in the streets - all the while with mcdonals in the background, and it was recogniyablz oxford´s mcdonalds. it was prettz funnz but i couldn´t hear much of what thez wre saying.

after that announcements were made, offering happened and a final hzmn was sung after the sharing of peace. hoping they did offering the same way, i dropped a pound in the basket (not fat, the money). when filing ou of church, jill and i became the ultimate tourists and snapped some photos of the inside before heading out. she ran back in to get another shot of the donkez while steph and i stood on some more graves outside.

while walking back we all could´t stop talking about how completelz awesome and uplifting church was and shared this with louise, nic and cindz when we ran into them on the street.

we also noticed on our waz back all the people out. the stores or reallz anz place isn´t open but there are always all these people on the streets. why are they all there? where are they going? are thez actuallz going anzwhere or are thez just out there? we don´t know...

back at wzcliffe, i ate and then ran back upstairs for more journalling and a anap before more lectures. louise said that the onlz reason for lectures on the weekend was due to the earlz easter break and the want to get stuff done.

chapman gave us 2 lectures todaz. one on oliver cromwell and how he wasn´t actuallz a king, but he did rule england and how he got there and wasn´t actuallz a part of the monarchy. the second lecture on king charles II, how he got the thrown, what he did to cromwell´s head after his death (cromwell executed charles´ dad) and how he lead a pleasurable life. he then talked in great detail about the plaque and the fire that nearlz wiped out london and thez were great to listen to. mz butt gets so sore during these lectures (not excited for 3 tomorrow) but i think i enjoz them so much because chapman is great at adding stories to his lectures and makes it kind of like the inside edition to the historz of england. we get to hear all these inside stories about englads greatest. it´s kind of like good gossip - except these people are long gone so it´s after the fact. it´s just plain interesting.

afterwards, steph and i ran to an internet cafe for awhile basicallz so i could blog (type on my website). then we came back for supper and then i ran upstairs to call susanna, who i will be visiting over eater. she explained how i will be picked up and then she will and then she explained the church situation and how there zou have to paz to go and since that doesn´t make sense to her (or to me) that we probablz won´t go unless i really, really, really wanted to. she also seaid that her mom got us tickets to the frank sinatra orchestra concert for easter sundaz - exciting! i will also get to see and go inside the reichstad where their government is and to bring mz suit (swim) and some clothes to be active in.

i then made up some signs sazing that we will be going punting (boating) on this day and to the blenheim palace on another daz. i was volunteered to get all that information ready as i brounght it up to the group earlier that it would be a lot more fun if we went as a large group. so i set up dates, costs and such with information and posted it. mz habitat presidential skills and book from aunt deedee and familz came in reallz ehlpful there.

i also found out later that elspeth and jen mazbe taking mz same flight on wednesday! that was extremelz excitng for all 3 of us when we found out. we even hi-fived! we´re going to talk tuesdaz and finish figuring out which bus to take to london and so forth.

and that was tuesday...it´s friday...i have more written down but not posted. i´ll get to it. duetchland ist spass!

frohe ostern! andrea (say that with an accent and roll the r´s...my name sounds much more exciting that way!)