***note to all: please watch your language when leaving a message...i have young swimmers who may be looking at this! thanks!***

Monday, April 04, 2005

news from home

we got wind of the shooting the day after it happened. it was shocking. louise annoucethat we all probably knew about what happened back home. puzzled,we askedwhat as she started towalk away from the front ofthe lecture hall. she then aid that their was a school shooting in red lakeand a gasp went threw the room. it was weird - i wasn't sure whatto think about it. sure ifelt sad that something likethis had happened so closeto where i go to school. but at the same timeit felt so far away. i did think about the people from BSU that were student teaching there - it was realiving to find out all from bsu were ok - but still horribletohear about the young kids who died. the story made all of the paper's front pages here. on the plane over to berlin the guy i haed to sit next to, after noticing my accent, wanted to know why so many school shootings happened in america. i didn't have an answer for him. i couldn't blame it on media,or security - they didn't seemto be the cluprits. he suggested it was ammendement 2 - the right to bear arms. i agreed so i wouldn't have to talk to him anymore - i think he wanted my # so he could show me around london. ick.